Saturday, April 29, 2017

Take a Peek at Our Week - April 23rd to 29th

Take a Peek at Our Week - April 23rd to 29th

This was the first week in a long time that I've been home all week. It was nice to wake up in my own bed, wander downstairs for a cup of (good!) coffee and then head outside to feed the chickens and let them out. Signs of spring are everywhere! We spent some time cleaning up the yard and gardens this week, but had plenty of time to just put our feet up and enjoy the warm -almost shorts and tee-shirt - weather here in Maine! 

I recorded two radio shows to help promote my book Gardening with Chickens, and finished up a few magazines articles that had deadlines coming up. I also spent part of the week reviewing and approving some of the artwork for my next book that's due out next January. I can't WAIT to share more details about that with you soon! 


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Take a Peek at Our Week - April 23rd to 29thwas originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

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