Saturday, April 15, 2017

Take a Peek at our Week - April 9th to 15th

Take a Peek at our Week - April 9th to 15th

It's so true that there's no place like home. As much as I LOVED being on the road for Chick Days, it was so nice to spend a few days at home this week - especially because spring has finally arrived to Maine! This is where I belong. Out in the country on our farm, collecting eggs and cleaning the coop, watching the chickens during free range time.  Tossing sticks for our dogs, hiking through the woods, canoeing on the lake, watching beavers built their dam and spying wild turkeys at the edge of the tree line.

Our chickens are popping out eggs like there's no tomorrow, we're seeing buds on the trees and bushes, the piles of snow are almost entirely gone, and we've been seeing quite a lot of (ahem!) hanky panky among our ducks. Gregory might be a senior citizen in duck years, but he's still got some pep in his step! Due to the warming temperatures, I pulled the tarps down from around the run, folded them up and put them back into storage, and I hung some new grit and eggshell dispensers in the run for the girls that I made out of vintage soup ladles I found in an antique store in Michigan.

Although being home is so nice, I did really enjoy this past month and visiting Tractor Supply and Blue Seal Feed stores in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire. And again, I need to thank everyone who came to one of my seminars, bought a book, or just stopped by to say hello (thank you guys SO much, you rock!) I really enjoyed putting a name to so many faces I recognized from social media. 

Over the course of the last month, I had the opportunity to meet a few hundred of you in person - which was so amazing! Thanks to the continued support of Tractor Supply Company, Manna Pro and Blue Seal Feeds, hopefully I'll be doing a fall tour as well, so keep an eye on the Events tab here on my website for new dates/locations/times. In the meantime, take a peek at my week!


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Take a Peek at our Week - April 9th to 15thwas originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

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