Sunday, May 21, 2017

A Week in Farm Photos - May 14th - 20th

A Week in Farm Photos - May 14th - 20th

This week was a roller coaster weather-wise. We endured temperatures over 90 degrees around mid-week, but then by Saturday night, it dipped down close to freezing.  Regardless, it's a beautiful time of year. The lilacs are just beginning to bloom, and we've got radishes and some lettuce peeking out of the garden soil already!

I spent the early part of the week planting potatoes and some wildflower seeds to encourage the bees and butterflies to stick around. I also got our humming bird feeder hung and filled with nectar. (Would you believe the very next day we saw our first little humming bird?) 

But the highlight of my week was my late Friday afternoon road trip to Fryeburg in the western part of the state. The following day I met Chris Lambton of DIY Network's Yard Crasher fame. What a nice guy.  You might also remember him from season six of ABC's The Bachelor (Ali's season). 

We have a mutual friend and he lives near where I grew up, so before listening to his gardening presentation, we chatted about gardening and Massachusetts and he confided in me that he wants to get chickens, but needs to convince his wife (who by the way, is the former Peyton Wright also of Bachelor fame!) Of course I gave him a signed copy of my book Gardening with Chickens and he seemed delighted. Hopefully that will convince his wife just how awesome chickens can be! I just love spreading the joy of chicken keeping where ever I go! Anyway, take a peek at my week!

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A Week in Farm Photos - May 14th - 20thwas originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

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