Friday, May 5, 2017

Can I catch Histoplasmosis from chickens?

Can I catch Histoplasmosis from chickens?
Today I want to talk about an illness that you can get from keeping chickens, but you've probably never heard of it. It's called histoplasmosis and you can get it from breathing in the spores of a fungus (Histoplasma capsulatum ) found in bird or bat droppings. Yes it's all birds, not just chickens. However since keeping chickens entails things like cleaning the coop which stirs up chicken poop and bedding dust, you have a higher chance of catching histoplasmosis from your chickens then from random wild birds. 

histoplasmosis in chickens

Now before anybody panics, most people who contract histoplasmosis from chickens will have no to very few symptoms. In fact, many people that do contract histoplasmosis will think they have a mild cold or the flu. Only about 10% of the people that contract​ histoplasmosis will develop serious eye or lung problems.
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Can I catch Histoplasmosis from chickens?was originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

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