Saturday, May 6, 2017

Take a Peek at My Week April 30th - May 6th

Take a Peek at My Week April 30th - May 6th

Spring might take it's sweet time coming to Maine, but when it arrives, it arrives with a vengeance! There are flowers and blossoms and new growth and green everywhere! We have eggs overflowing out of bowls and baskets. I was off jet-setting again the beginning of the week, but got home late Wednesday night and have really enjoyed spending the last few days at home!

I am bursting to share details of my new project, but have been sworn to secrecy, so I will just tell you that it's super exciting, great for backyard chicken keeping, for natural chicken keeping, and something that I'm very passionate about. It was exciting to me to have the opportunity to match wits, so to speak, with an esteemed poultry scientist and be able to answer all this questions and really hold my own, I think!

Anyway, enough about that. You're all going to have to just be patient as things unfold over the course of this year. I'll also be doing final edits on my new book that's due out in January 2018 (you're going to LOVE it!) and I'm waiting to hear for sure, but it look like I'll have at least one more book coming out in 2018, maybe two! So yes, I AM as tired as I look, but thanks goodness for cell phones, multi-tasking and coffee! 

So, good things happening around here that I'll share as soon as I can. In the meantime, take a peek at my week! And if you enjoy these photos, be sure to join me on Instagram so you don't miss a single one all week! 

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Take a Peek at My Week April 30th - May 6thwas originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

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