Saturday, June 3, 2017

Take a Peek at my Week - May 28th to June 3rd

Take a Peek at my Week - May 28th to June 3rd

While it was nice to be home all week, I can't say I relaxed. We had a busy week filming a new episode of my TV show early in the week (you can catch season one here if you missed it!). Shooting with the film crew is so much fun, but it makes for a really long day and I'm wiped out by the time they pack their gear and head back to Portland. Not to mention all the prep work before they arrive, making sure everything is mowed and scrubbed and trimmed and all the props are assembled. 

But not being one to sit around....Still being relatively new to Maine, my husband and I have been trying to take day trips to various parts of the state to explore. We headed north to the Moosehead Lake region on Thursday to do a bit of sightseeing (no, we didn't spot a single moose!), have lunch at a local barbeque joint and browse a few touristy shops. We came home with souvenir coffee mugs - because who doesn't need another one of those?

The week ended on a high note when I signed the contract for my next book! I have a new book coming out in January that we're just wrapping up now, and it looks like I'll have another book released at the end of 2018! It's an idea I've had for awhile just banging around in my head, so it will be exciting to see it come to fruition - finally - and will certainly keep me busy this summer! 

It's a gorgeous time of year here in Maine and I'm glad I'm here to appreciate it. Enjoy this peek at my week!

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Take a Peek at my Week - May 28th to June 3rdwas originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

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