Friday, September 29, 2017

How to ship hatching eggs

How to ship hatching eggs
I have bought a lot of hatching eggs online. In fact, I started my chicken adventure with shipped hatching eggs! Every time I opened a new package of shipped eggs was a little surprise. It seemed like everyone had a different method for packing and sending eggs through the mail. Sadly not all of them worked!

With all the boxes and boxes of shipped eggs I received, only 1 box that was crushed but luckily the contents were just fine. I started comparing the different styles of packaging for shipping eggs and found the similarities in the boxes with the broken eggs and the boxes that all the eggs were intact. From there I figured out exactly how to ship hatching eggs with great results.

how to ship eggs

First though, I want to tell you what didn't work. Not enough padding was the main reason hatching eggs arrived cracked. If there was any movement inside the package, the movement could cause the eggs to bang against the sides of the box and crack. 

Not securing the eggs was another problem. Many time I received a box with well wrapped eggs just floating around inside a box of packing materials. Flimsy packing materials was another problem. Wrapping eggs in paper towels is great for absorbing the mess when they inevitably crack. Not so good for actually providing some padding.

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How to ship hatching eggswas originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

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