Saturday, September 9, 2017

Take a Peek at our Week - Sept 3rd to 9th

Take a Peek at our Week - Sept 3rd to 9th

This week we got a lot of rain (nothing compared to what the Southern part of the country already got and will be getting due to the hurricanes battering that area, but enough to keep us inside), which meant some home cooking in the shape of homemade marinara sauce and a delicious pizza. I also did some work on my next book since the deadline is edging ever closer, and got a few articles written that were due to the magazine editors I work with. 
The sun did come out for a few days, which allowed me to work a bit more on my coop make-over that hopefully I'll be sharing photos of soon. Hint: shiplap! The Littles are nine weeks old, the ducks are still molting, as are the chickens, and egg production is still a bit sparse. The garden is still pumping out tomatoes like there's no tomorrow, and I'm eyeing the pumpkins and butternut squash eagerly. Enjoy this peek at our week!

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Take a Peek at our Week - Sept 3rd to 9thwas originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

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