Saturday, October 7, 2017

Take a Peek at my Week - Oct 1st to 7th

Take a Peek at my Week - Oct 1st to 7th

This past week was a busy one here on the farm! We've already had a frost or two, so I've been busy harvesting any remaining herbs and getting them drying to use through the winter, as well as cleaning up the vegetable garden to get it ready so I can plant some garlic. 
In between stopping to admire the gorgeous fall foliage, I managed to get more work done on my next book (which included a full day photo shoot with Peg from Coop du Jour Photography ... and there might have been chickens in tutus at one point...)
In other news, I was so excited to receive a mock-up of my kids book Let's Hatch Chicks! (available for pre-order now from Amazon) that's coming out in January! I also headed south to Hostile Valley Living farm to visit my friend Kirsten and her geese and goats. We had such a fun time filming a segment for next year's season of my TV show!  And I am still working on the inside of my coop when I have a free minute - so stay tuned for the big reveal soon! Enjoy this peek at our week! 

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Take a Peek at my Week - Oct 1st to 7thwas originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

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