Saturday, November 25, 2017

Modern homesteaders guide to keeping geese. Book and a giveaway!

Modern homesteaders guide to keeping geese. Book and a giveaway!
Throughout the years I've had many different types of poultry. I've raised everything from chickens, to quail. The ones that were the most fun to be around though were my Sebstapol Geese. They were the funniest critters ever, and grew more attached to me that any other poultry I've ever owned! 

My ducks could have cared less where I was at any point in time. 90% of my chickens felt the same way, unless I had treats! The geese though would follow me all over the yard. They wanted to be right by my side at all times and if I wasn't outside, they spent a good part of their time waiting by the back door for me to come out. They even learned to "knock" by tapping the glass with their bills to get my attention! 

How to guide | geese

Geese are a lot of fun but being my first large waterfowl, there was a bit of a learning curve. I spent a lot of time looking for answers online and specific information on geese is harder to find than chickens! Thankfully, someone finally wrote a book about raising geese and I was lucky enough to get a copy to check out early. The Modern Homesteaders Guide To Keeping Geese by Kirsten Lie-Nielsen.

While chickens preen in the spotlight, geese are the historic unsung heroes of small farms and homesteads. Providing weed control, large eggs, and entertainment, and acting as "security" over other animals, geese are the ultimate modern homesteading companion.

The Modern Homesteader's Guide to Keeping Geese covers everything you need to know to raise geese, including: 

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Modern homesteaders guide to keeping geese. Book and a giveaway!was originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

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