Saturday, May 20, 2017

How Chickens and Honey Bees Are the Same, Only Different, by Gail Damerow

How Chickens and Honey Bees Are the Same, Only Different, by Gail Damerow
  Gail Damerow (left), Kathy Shea Mormino (right) Long before the Internet existed, people turned to renowned author, Gail Damerow's books and articles for chicken care guidance. Enter the Internet and no shortage of questionable chicken care "advice" and discerning readers still flock to to the time-tested reliability of Gail Damerow's writings for chicken care guidance. So, imagine my
How Chickens and Honey Bees Are the Same, Only Different, by Gail Damerowwas originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

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